Learn the Right Lesson

God is love, therefore, anything that comes from God is coming from love. I recently was conversing with my cousin from up north. She was sharing with me all that she and her husband had been through.  They had been tested beyond their limits to the point of being homeless.  Despite it all, they made it through and today they are stronger people with a deeper love for each other and for God.

What would have happened if they learned the wrong lesson through their trial?? You see we can choose to learn from love and peace or learn from hate and resentment.  They chose to learn from love.  This is very important folks because if we don't learn from love then we haven't learned the right lesson.  God is love, fully unequivocally LOVE therefore any lesson you learn from God has to bring forth love, peace, and growth.  Anything other than these and you will find yourself going through the experience again until you get it right.  Some of you are going through some rough times. God is stretching you to the max.  Keep your mind on Him, remember who He is.  When the trial is over, embrace the lesson in the loving manner it was given to you.  When you give your testimony, give it with love, peace, and growth in mind.  

