To Nae Nae

I think of my friend today. Her smile, humor and love. I remember how none apologetic she was. Spoke the truth and wondered why we "adult" couldn't. Loved the way she was different from everyone and made sure everyone knew it. She would at times wear a fuzzy hat that had hamster or bear ears. I remember the first time I saw her with it on, she looked at me, smiled and waved. All I thought at that time was "what a peculiar child." Little did I know just how peculiar God had made her. She would go on to change peoples lives before my very eyes. Yesterday was her memorial, this child managed to fill the sanctuary to beyond capacity. Extra rows of chair were setup on the sides and just outside the sanctuary. This little girl, made no effort to reach out to anyone, but drew people to her just by being who God made her to be. Everyone came to honor her. Hospice and hospital, school staff, uncles, aunts, brother, sister. This was definitely a celebration of life, of joy and of freedom. Thank you my friend, I love you and will miss you dearly. God Bless Shalom.
